Any one of us can be affected by trauma

Australian lives have and will be devastated by traumatic events. Three in four Australians will experience an event that can cause psychological trauma in their lifetime, that’s nearly 19 million people living in Australia today. Psychological trauma comes in many forms and impacts people from all walks of life.

The impact is deep and complex.

The problems that arise can be complex and impair our physical and emotional wellbeing. The way we see ourselves, our relationships and activities, and our ability to feel safe in the world can be turned upside down.

Recovery and renewal is possible. People need help moving beyond harrowing events. Help and support takes many forms, but recovery and renewal is always possible.

Help fund trauma research and the development of new treatments for PTSD.


For urgent support
call Lifeline on

Call 13 11 14

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counselling and referrals

Lifeline website