Cultural adaptation of SOLAR for African women in Melbourne

This project will develop and model a methodology guided by the principles of co-design for the cultural adaptation of the SOLAR program, in collaboration with the Western African Cultural Association (WACA). This is in order to produce a culturally safe version of SOLAR that is tailored to the needs of women from Africa (primarily targeting women from Horn of Africa) residing in Western Melbourne. 

The program sets the stage for a subsequent efficacy trial of the resulting, culturally-adapted version of SOLAR with African women across Australia. Furthermore, by modelling, piloting and publishing this example of a co-design methodology for the cultural adaptation of SOLAR, we pave the way for other researchers and practitioners seeking to use standardized mental health or psychosocial interventions with cultural minorities. This is to effectively adapt their interventions and in doing so, provide an improved service to the communities they serve.  


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